Electrical and electronic circuits operate within specific bands of electrical frequencies. Anything outside those frequencies can be considered noise, interfering with electronic devices’ proper functionality. A common mode choke is an essential electrical component that filters out unwanted frequencies, also known as electromagnetic interference (EMI), from electronic circuits. Common mode chokes offer extensive benefits, such as enhanced efficiency, low EMI radiation, high inductance, and suppressing or blocking high-frequency signals.
Since 1964, MH&W International Corp. has developed into a leader in the power conversion and EMI filtration technologies sector. The company specializes in innovative components for filter applications and power conversion and is committed to continuous improvement, supplying innovative noise-filtering solutions for wind, solar, EV, and VFD applications. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing quality service to customers and addressing their common mode noise challenges.
Common Mode Noise: What Is It and What Are Its Effects?
Common mode noise is EMI that can occur in electrical circuits. It can result from various sources, including power lines, switching circuits, and other electronic devices. The effects of common mode noise can vary depending on the severity and frequency of the noise signal.
Here are some of the common effects of common mode noise:
- Signal distortion. Common mode noise can cause signal distortion in electronic circuits, leading to reduced performance and reliability of the system. This can result in errors in data transmission, reduced accuracy in measurement systems, and other issues.
- Electromagnetic interference. Common mode noise can generate EMI that can interfere with the operation of other electronic devices and systems. This can lead to crosstalk, data corruption, and other issues.
- Malfunctioning of electronic devices. Common mode noise can cause electronic devices to malfunction, leading to system downtime and loss of productivity. This is particularly true for sensitive electronic equipment, such as medical devices or control systems for industrial machinery.
- Overheating and component failure. Common mode noise can cause components in electronic circuits to overheat, leading to premature failure. This can result in the need for costly repairs or replacements.
Overall, common mode noise can significantly impact electronic systems’ performance and reliability, reducing efficiency and increasing downtime and costs. It is important to address common mode noise issues in electronic circuits to ensure optimal system functionality. This can be achieved through common mode chokes, EMI filters, or other noise suppression techniques.
How Do Common Mode Chokes Work?
Common mode chokes from MH&W are designed to mitigate the harmful effects of EMI. These electrical inductors filter out high-frequency common mode noise and facilitate the passage of differential-mode signals. In doing so, they prevent issues such as overheating and signal distortion, improving signal clarity and enhancing system reliability.
Each choke has a crystalline mineral core. The core is magnetic, and two conductors wind around it to block the electrical noise. The specific winding configuration determines how the common mode choke handles the current.
Applications of Common Mode Chokes
Common mode chokes from MH&W support high-demand systems in renewable energy, automotive, medical devices, and other applications where long-term reliability is essential. Possible applications of our common mode chokes include:
- Power supplies. Commonly used in AC/DC power supplies, DC/DC converters, and other types of power electronics to filter out common mode noise and improve the efficiency and reliability of the system.
- Motor drives. Often used in AC and DC motor drives, servo drives, and other motor control systems to reduce EMI and other noise-related issues and prevent bearing failures as a result of EDM.
- Communication systems. Used in Ethernet interfaces, telecommunication systems, etc. to suppress noise signals and improve signal quality.
- Audio equipment. Commonly used in preamplifiers, power amplifiers, and other types of audio equipment to reduce noise and distortion in the signal path.
- Lighting systems. Can be used in fluorescent lighting systems, LED lighting systems, and other types of lighting equipment to reduce electromagnetic interference and improve the system’s performance.
- Medical equipment. Can be used in patient monitoring systems, diagnostic equipment, and various medical devices to suppress noise signals and improve the system’s reliability.
Engineers can customize each choke to support the current load, frequencies, EMI levels, and compliance standards of the specific assembly. All of the common mode chokes we supply meet electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards as well as performance and regulatory requirements.
Advances in Common Mode Choke Technology
At MH&W Filters, we use our experience and knowledge of common mode choke technology to provide our clients with products that meet the needs of modern electrical assemblies. This includes the development of advanced crystalline cores that offer better thermal management and magnetic permeability compared to conventional ferrite and ferromagnetic alternatives. Our resulting CMC products can operate more efficiently, handle higher power levels (up to 300 Hz), and better suppress EMI.
Industrial-Grade Common Mode Chokes from MH&W
MH&W International Corporation is a well-known supplier of industrial-grade common mode chokes. Our product line includes common mode chokes with different specifications for various industrial applications. Some of the features of our common mode chokes are:
- High-quality materials. MH&W uses high-quality nanocrystalline materials in our chokes to provide high magnetic permeability, low losses, and excellent noise suppression.
- High current ratings. MH&W’s common mode chokes are ideal for industrial applications requiring high power levels. Depending on the product, they can handle currents ranging from a few milliamperes to several hundred amperes.
- Customizable designs. MH&W can design and manufacture common mode chokes with specific inductance values, current ratings, and other specifications.
- High temperature tolerance. MH&W common mode chokes are designed to operate at high temperatures, making them suitable for industrial applications that generate a lot of heat.
- RoHS compliant. MH&W common mode chokes are RoHS compliant, ensuring that they meet the environmental standards set by the European Union.
MH&W’s common mode chokes are a reliable, high-performance solution for industrial applications requiring noise suppression and high current handling capabilities. Their customizable designs and high temperature tolerance make them an ideal choice for a wide range of industrial applications.
To learn more, contact us today and talk with our experienced team about your EMI filtration needs.